sábado, 5 de agosto de 2023

«Diaspora Sonnets»


«(...)The term diaspora relates to, but is distinct from, other words describing the circulation of people around the world: refugeeexile, immigranttransnationalcosmopolitanglobalminoritarian, and post-colonial. This list of related terms generates a range of moods and modes: exilic suffering, immigrant nostalgia, migrant laboring, and what the scholar Stuart Hall has called “always-postponed ‘arrival.’” Translated as “scattering,” diaspora invites us, more so than the concepts of exile, immigration, and globalization, to make something of objects, ideas, and feelings that are scattered. The “bricolage” of art such as Banerjee’s, for example, takes on new sculptural forms that reflect diaspora’s more-chaotic crosscurrents. (...)». Na integra aqui.

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