domingo, 12 de junho de 2022

NESTE DIA DE CALOR | olhemos para as «árvores» de Hermann Hesse


«This elegant book reflects Mr. Hesse’s thoughts on a spiritual path for self-knowledge through a collection of his essays, poems, and passages on trees - trees in general and on individual ones in specific places - accompanied by twelve of his hand-painted watercolor illustrations. Together his writings mirror the seasons, landscapes, and environmental conditions as he experienced them, and help remind us that trees’ annual rings are representations of our own struggle, illness, happiness, and purpose. Heartfelt and lovely, Trees offers a homecoming, or in the author’s comforting words: “They struggle with all the force of their lives for one thing only: to fulfill themselves according to their own laws….Whoever has learned to listen to trees no longer wants to be one. He wants to be nothing except who he is. That is home."» Veja aqui.

Tirada de  The Day Hermann Hesse Discovered the Meaning of Life in a Tree 

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