domingo, 26 de maio de 2024

VOLTEMOS AO GENDER MUSEUM DENMARK | «a Danish museum in the heart of Aarhus. It is one of the few museums in the world, focusing on gender and equality»


e sobre  a «HOW DARE YOU – Gender, Action and Climate Crisis
Special exhibition» - neste endereço.

De lá: «Why is fast fashion produced primarily for women? Is it harder for men than for women to live a vegetarian life and use public transport? And why are the majority of the world’s climate refugees women?

Our next major special exhibition addresses two of today’s major commitments: gender and climate. The exhibition examines the connection between ideas and expectations about gender – and people’s consumption and behavior in a climate-related perspective. HOW DARE YOU wants the audience to reflect on why they act the way they do – and why it is often difficult to act differently.

This exhibition also focuses on the different strategies and visions for change, which also often have roots in cultural history of gender. HOW DARE YOU investigates how ideas and expectations of masculinity and femininity connect to climate behavior, shame, anxiety, activism and action. Can we solve the climate crisis by solving the gender crisis – and vice versa?

The exhibition is a sustainability experiment in itself, and ambitious efforts are being made to make climate-friendly choices in all parts of the exhibition production».

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