quinta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2023

CONVITE À APRESENTAÇÃO DE ARTIGOS |«Genealogias monstruosas: reivindicando vidas e corporeidades queer – NOVO PRAZO até 15 de janeiro de 2024»


« (...) Com esse objetivo, este convite à apresentação de artigos visa explorar tópicos como:

Corporificações monstruosas
Dissidência relacional, sexual e de género
Envelhecimento LGBTQIA+
Vidas trans e identidades não binárias
Corpos intersexo
Pessoas refugiadas e solicitantes de asilo LGBTQIA+
Sexualidade e deficiência
Trabalho sexual e abjeção social
Estigma, contágio, sorologia: corpos (inter)pandémicos
Práticas reprodutivas queer
Direitos (des)humanos críticos
Geografias queer

A organização deste número é apoiada pelos projetos TRACEREMEMBER e TRIALOGUES, desenvolvidos no Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra».


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«(...)In recent years, ageing has been considered a priority area in both governmental policies and research agendas. Sitting at the intersection between Gender and LGBTI Studies, on the one hand, and Age, Ageing and Life Course Studies on the other, and bringing together distant memories and the current daily management of intimate life, TRACE sociologically explores the impacts in later life of growing up in a time when legal recognition was not available for LGBTI+ people. TRACE will pay particular attention to issues related to health and well-being, care and intimacy.

Taking queer citizenship as a set of criteria through which democracies can be evaluated, TRACE also explores the extent to which the EU has influenced local political and socio-legal advancements in LGBTI+ rights, narratives and experiences over time. To respond to this aim, TRACE develops an innovative age-sensitive, analytical lens focused on ageing, ageism and age-related LGBTI+ politics through which progress and backlash in countries that experienced substantial changes in their intimate citizenship regimes will be investigated. (...)». Saiba mais.

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