domingo, 1 de março de 2020

«Gender is Performance»

«Gender is Performance

Why Trans* Actors Should Transcend the Character Breakdown

24 February 2020

Performativity is an inherent component of the Western notion of gender. Our society teaches children to convincingly portray their assigned gender from a very vulnerable and impressionable age. They are often encouraged and rewarded for displaying the “correct” behavior and interests, and quickly admonished, warned, or otherwise policed for any behavior that deviates too far from the predetermined cultural script. This inescapable process manifests in children with the repetition (and subsequent validation) of hundreds and thousands of particular mannerisms, choices, affectations, and actions on a daily basis. It’s no wonder that, by adulthood, these learned behavioral patterns might feel as natural and subconscious as breathing. However, I challenge the notion that this dichotomy of culturally approved behavior is innate or inherent. I think it is merely enforced to a degree that most people find it easier or safer to adhere accordingly. (…)».Continue a ler.

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