quinta-feira, 12 de março de 2020

«UNESCO / Promise of Gender Equality / Key actions 2018 - 2019»

Message Director-General of UNESCO
«Gender equality more than ever continues to be a challenge at the start of the 21st century. It is a fundamental right, a question of dignity and justice. Gender equality constitutes a powerful lever for the development of dynamic and just societies. 
Yet, this promise is still far from being fully fulfilled. Despite progress over recent years, the situation remains of great concern for women and girls around the world.
More than 100 women are killed every day by their intimate partners or by a family member; 12 million girls are forced into marriage every year, before their eighteenth birthday, and 64 million girls are victims of forced labour.
In the field of education, UNESCO data describes a similarly alarming situation, with 132 million girls out of school in the world. Moreover, inequalities persist in the labour market, in particular in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Women only represent 28.4% of scientific researchers; and this inequality is even more pronounced in the digital field. (…)». Continue a ler na pg. 5.

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