sexta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2023

«Image as Protest brings together two powerful bodies of work by Joy Gerrard (b. 1971) and Dame Paula Rego RA (1935 - 2022), centred on women’s rights, that highlight different ways in which protest can be manifested»


«Several new drawings by Joy Gerrard of protest crowds, including those in the US demonstrating against the repeal of Roe v Wade - the ruling that ended abortion access nationwide - and the massive protests in Berlin in support of women in Iran, will be shown alongside Paula Rego’s seminal abortion series. Conceived over twenty years ago to campaign for the legalisation of abortion in Portugal, Rego shows women undergoing illegal backstreet operations. Further prints by Rego, explicitly dealing with violence against women, including sex trafficking and female genital mutilation (FGM), will also be displayed».Veja aqui.

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